
How to be more creative: 7 tips to find inspiration everywhere


Creativity is not a gift that only some people have. It is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. Creativity is the ability to generate new and original ideas, solutions, or products that are useful and valuable. Creativity can help you in many aspects of life, such as personal growth, career success, problem-solving, and happiness.

But how can you be more creative? How can you find inspiration everywhere and unleash your inner genius? Here are some tips that can help you boost your creativity and have more fun in the process.

  1. Watch a funny movie or show

Laughing is a great way to enhance your creative abilities as well as reduce stress and negative emotions. Laughter stimulates the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones that make you happy and relaxed. Laughter also activates the right side of your brain, which is responsible for imagination, intuition, and divergent thinking. So, next time you need a creative boost, watch a comedy or a stand-up show and enjoy the benefits of humour.

  1. Get curious

Curiosity is a primary component of creativity. Curiosity drives you to explore new things, learn new information, and ask questions. Curiosity also helps you overcome a fear of failure and embrace uncertainty. To cultivate curiosity, try to adopt a beginner’s mindset and be open to new experiences. Ask yourself “what if” questions and challenge your assumptions. Seek feedback and learn from others. Read books, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, or attend workshops on topics that interest you.

  1. Doodle

Doodling is one of the easiest and simplest activities you can do to boost creativity. Doodling is the act of drawing or scribbling something without a specific goal or purpose. Doodling can help you relax your mind, improve your focus, and stimulate your visual thinking. Doodling can also spark new ideas and connections by allowing your subconscious mind to express itself. An easy way to doodle is to take a piece of paper and, while listening to music or a podcast, draw whatever comes to mind.

  1. Try a new class

Learning something new is another way to enhance your creativity. Learning exposes you to new perspectives, concepts, and skills that can enrich your knowledge and expand your horizons. Learning also challenges your brain and keeps it active and flexible. You can learn anything that interests you or that you’ve always wanted to try, such as a new language, a musical instrument, a dance style, or a craft. You can find online courses, tutorials, or videos on various platforms or join a local class or group.

  1. Move your body

Physical activity is not only good for your health but also for your creativity. Exercise can improve your mood, energy, and cognitive function by increasing blood flow and oxygen to your brain. Exercise can also stimulate the production of new brain cells and neural connections that are essential for creative thinking. Moreover, exercise can help you break out of mental ruts and generate new insights by changing your environment and perspective. You can choose any type of exercise that you enjoy, such as walking, running, cycling, yoga, or dancing.

  1. Create a creative environment

The environment where you work can also influence your creativity. A creative environment is one that stimulates your senses, sparks your imagination, and supports your ideas. To create a creative environment, you can try the following tips:

  • Use colors that inspire you. Colours can affect your mood, energy, and cognition. For example, blue can promote calmness and focus, while yellow can boost optimism and creativity. You can paint your walls, use colorful furniture, or add some art or posters to your space.
  • Adjust the lighting. Lighting can also affect your creativity. Research shows that dim lighting can enhance creative thinking by making you feel more free freer relaxed. You can use lamps, candles, or fairy lights to create a cosy and warm atmosphere.
  • Add some background noise. Background noise can help you drown out distractions and stimulate your brain. You can use music, podcasts, or ambient sounds to create a sound environment that suits your preferences and goals. For example, classical music can improve your concentration, while nature sounds can calm your nerves.
  • Put some toys on your desk. Toys can help you relax, have fun, and unleash your playful side. Toys can also stimulate your senses, imagination, and curiosity by providing different shapes, colors, textures, sounds, and movements. You can use any kind of toy that appeals to you, such as Lego bricks, puzzles, fidget spinners, or stuffed animals. You can play with them alone or with others, and use them as props, tools, or metaphors for your creative projects.
  • Make it comfortable. Comfort is also important for creativity. You want to feel at ease and relaxed in your space. You can use cushions, blankets, rugs, or plants to make your space more cozy and inviting. You can also adjust the temperature and ventilation to suit your needs.

7.Take a break

Sometimes, the best way to be more creative is to take a break from your work and do something else. Taking a break can help you recharge your energy, reduce stress, and gain a new perspective. Taking a break can also trigger the incubation effect, which is when your subconscious mind continues to work on a problem while you are doing something unrelated. You might find that when you return to your work, you have a sudden insight or a breakthrough idea. You can take a break by doing something relaxing, fun, or stimulating, such as meditating, reading, playing games, or taking a nap.


Creativity is not a fixed trait that you either have or don’t have. It is a skill that you can develop and improve with practice and effort. By following the tips in this article, you can learn how to be more creative and find inspiration everywhere. Creativity can help you achieve more in life and have more fun.